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I'm looking forward to seeing what happens

"I'm looking forward to seeing what happens."

An art piece created to be exhibited must be transported from its place of conception to its exhibition destination.
This journey is, therefore, the last phase of the creative process, which allows the piece to be seen, to exist (for others).
Depending on the distance, the trip will be longer, it will depend on more transport means or the art piece will arrive on foot.

When Arteuparte gallery (San Sebastian, Spain) invited me to participate in this exhibition, I had just moved to Hamburg, the distance variable and the transport means to get an art piece to them had increased, so I found interesting that the trip became an active part of the creative process and in the concept of the art work.

I wanted the journey to alter, impact, modify and transform the work, by the movement, the transportation, the hands of the carriers, the carriers movement and Paul's (the gallery owner) own hands opening the package to be part of the result. final.
I bought a Bretzel, and following the guidelines received (30x30 cm format and with ARTEUPARTE written), I put it in a bag of the indicated size, I dedicated it to the gallery, I sent it to them and I thought "I am looking forward to seeing what happens”.

The art piece was on sale for 2.40 €.
Exactly what I paid for the Bretzel.
The costs of the idea, the bag, the time, the labor, the shipping and the % of the gallery were assumed by me.

Arteuparte Gallery - San Sebastian (Spain) · 2023.

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