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The Street art festival “Asalto” has a very special project “15/15” in which they connect fifteen residents from a neighborhood in Zaragoza city (Spain) with fifteen artists from anywhere else.
In the 2021 year it was the Arrabal neighborhood.

As a result of this meeting, each participating artist generates a work of free format and technique that will return to the neighborhood to be exhibited in the public space, as an artistic gallery at street level.

Natalia was the Arrabal's neighbor assigned to me. Although our conversations were telematic Zaragoza-Madrid, I felt I was walking around the Arrabal neighborhood and discovering every corner through Natalia's words.

This art piece is borned from the dialogue and it is because of that that I wanted that the creation continued being a dialogue through a collaboration between us.
I asked Natalia to show me her neighborhood through her eyes, to photograph all the details and places that she would like to show me, and after printing her images on fabric, I sewed them creating the shape of the Arrabal neighborhood map representing your unique identity.

The second day of the exhibition, the art piece was stolen. Someone cut the wewn fabric from its frame, the result is the black circle ring on the wall.

Technique: Printing on fabric of the photos, sewn together to build the shape of the map that is suspended in tension on an 80 cm frame.

15/15 Project · Festival Asalto · Zaragoza (Spain) · 2021

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